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In Imerco, you'll find everything within kitchenware, table setting, home accessories, and gifts for every occasion.

Imerco is Denmark's largest omnichannel retailer of kitchenware, table setting, gifts, and home accessories. Imerco has a nationwide store network with 165 physical stores, an online shop with over 30,000 items, and operates one of Denmark's largest customer clubs, ImercoPlus, with over 1.5 million members.

Today, Imerco distinguishes itself by being the leading retail chain with the largest selection of goods and brands in kitchenware and table setting, as well as a large assortment of home decor, electrical items, and gifts.

Furthermore, Imerco has a wide range of brands that cannot be found elsewhere, including Timm Vladimir Kitchen, By Ditte Julie, Erik Bagger A/S, Cook&Baker, Casa Living, and Cathrineholm.

At Imerco, responsibility and sustainability are high on the agenda. They have ambitious goals for the future, set requirements for their suppliers, train their staff, and work to guide their consumption in a greener direction.

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