Two Hours: Take a Stroll through Svendborg

Photo: Mads Kruse

Svendborg has been named the most charming shopping town in all of Denmark, and a couple of hours is enough to sample the town’s unique atmosphere.

Start your stroll at Havnepladsen and watch ferries and large wooden ships pass by out on the water.

By walking up Brogade and Sankt Peder Stræde from the harbour front, you reach the town centre, and on your way there, you will pass artisan shops, specialty stores, and cosy cafés.

After reaching Sct. Nicolai Church, go down the charming Kyseborgstræde, until you reach the pedestrian street Gerritsgade, one of the town’s main shopping streets.

Turn right and follow Gerritsgade, then turn left at the narrow street Kattesundet – and then you reach the town square, which is flanked by shops, restaurants and cafés.


Walk up the stairs to Vor Frue Church, then go halfway around the church and down the stairs to Fruestræde, turn right and follow the street to the childhood home of poet Johannes Jørgensen, an honorary citizen of Svendborg.

Turn right onto Møllergade, another charming shopping street with plenty to discover. Halfway down Møllergade, descend the Harbour Stairs while enjoying the view of the lively marina.

Experience the History of Svendborg in Two Hours

Sct. Nicolai Church

The oldest church in Svendborg is, quite naturally, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, patron saint of seafarers. The church was built in the early 13th century on the foundations of an even older fieldstone church. During the centuries that followed, the church underwent several expansions, the latest of which was the addition of the main tower in the late 15th century.

The Old Well

This impressively preserved well can be dated back to around the year 1400 and served as a public well for about 200 years. The medieval-style woodwork and lever is a reconstruction from the 1990’s.

Sejlskibsbroen – the Wooden Ship Pier

On a beautiful summer evening, this is one of the most romantic spots in Svendborg. Enjoy the smell of tar, watch the flurry of activity aboard the old wooden ships, and take in the view towards the Skansen peninsula on the other side of Svendborgsund.


Don’t miss out on a walk on Frederiksø, the former shipyard island, offering great views towards town from its location in the middle of Svendborg Harbour. In recent years, a vibrant community has emerged on Frederiksø, as creative companies and art spaces have settled on the island next to the traditional maritime businesses. Nevertheless, the spirit of Frederiksø remains the same.

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